The Executive Body of the APSI shall be known as the Executive Council(hereafter referred to as 'Council'j which shall consist of President, Vice-president, Hon. Secretary, Treasurer, Hon. Editor, Six Counselors and the immediate Past President (Ex-Officio).
The Council shall be elected at an Annual General Body Meeting and its members will hold office as detailed below :
Sr. No |
Designation |
Duration |
1 |
President |
1 Year |
2 |
Vice President |
1 Year |
3 |
Hon. Secretary |
3 Years |
4 |
Hon. Treasurer |
3 Years |
5 |
Hon. Editor |
3 Years |
6 |
6 Counselors |
3 Years |
(2 retiring by rotation every year)
- The President: The Vice President shall on completion of his term be normally elected to the Office of the President. The Office of the President shall normally be for One Year but under no circumstances shall exceed two years.
- The Vice President: A Member of APSI shall be proposed for the Vice-Presidentship by the Executive Council to the Annual General Body Meeting. Further proposal shall also be called from the floor of the house. In the event of there being more than one candidate the election shall be by ballot. The Member so called also be the President-elect. The term of office of the Vice-President shall be for one year. This could be extended by the General Body but shall not exceed two years.
- Two Counselors shall retire by rotation every year, the vacancies so caused shall be filled by election among the Members present at the Annual General Body Meeting.
- The Members of the Council to retire shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election or appointment, but as between Members of equal seniority, the Members to retire shall in the absence of agreement between themselves, be selected from amongst them by lots.
- All 'Members' other than 'Overseas Members' in other words 'Full Members' 'life Members' and 'Senior Members' of 5 years standing and not disqualified as a result of nonpayment of dues as mentioned in clause E(3) of Article 1, shall be deemed eligible for membership of the council.
- Members who are non-resident Indians shall not be eligible to stand for election to (the Council.
- A candidate to be eligible to stand for Presidentship should have served a full term as a Member of the executive.
- The election to the Executive Council shall be held during the Annual General Body Meeting as specified in Article V, Clause (a) of this constitution. The newly elected Members will however be inducted at the conclusion of the meeting held and shall hold office for their term from 1st January of the following year.
- Should the number of eligible candidates be more than the number of vacancies, the President may request for withdrawals. Failing adequate number of withdrawals the House shall proceed to elect the required number of candidates to the Council for respective categories by ballot. In the event of a tie the Chairman of the Annual General Body Meeting may exercise a casting vote.
- The 'Council' with the approval of the General Body may frame and implement Election Rules without violating in spirit the provisions contained herein.
The vacancies on the council except those of the President and the Vice-President shall be filled by co-option by the remaining members of the Council. The co-opted members shall however be eligible for re-election.
- A vacancy in the office of the President shall ipso facto be filed by the Vice-President who will continue to be the President next year when he would have anyway occupied that office. In a temporary vacancy during the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall discharge the functions of the President.
- A vacancy in the office of the Vice-President shall be filled by the council electing one of its members to that office, who will hold that office till the next Annual General Meeting, when the election to the office will be held as per the Provisions of the bye-laws.
The Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Editor can stand for election to one more consecutive term of office. A member of the Council will not be eligible to restand for membership till the Annual General Meeting following the one on which his membership ended. He would, however be eligible for the other offices for the Council.
A Member of the Council who remains absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the Council shall be deemed to have resigned and his membership of the Council shall stand automatically terminated.
The council shall be responsible for :
- The conduct of the affairs of the APSI.
- Maintenance of proper records,
- Planning and executing activities to attain the objectives of the APSI.
- Calling the General Body Meeting and placing before it such agendas as are required by these byelaws and all other such matters that may affect the APSI or its objectives.
The Council may :
- Invite a Member to participate in its deliberations,
- Co-opt a Member or a Non-Member for its deliberations on a specific issue. Such invitees or co-opted members shall have no voting rights.
- The Council may appoint committees from among the Members of APSI and delegate its powers (including those of co-options) for carrying out specific projects such as holding of conferences, supervision of building activities etc.
- The Council shall have the right to change the composition of such committees if deemed necessary in the interest of the APSI.
- The President and the Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all such committees.
- The work of such committees shall be reviewed by the Council atleast once every year and progress report submitted to the General Body.
- A statement to Accounts of all bodies created by the Council shall form a part of the Annual Acccounts.
- The Council on the advice of the President may appoint from among its members a Local Organising Secretary for the conduct of a conference of the APSI.
- The Local Organising Secretary shall be responsible for the administration and financial conduct of the conference and shall be authorised to open and operate reasonal account of the APSI by a resolution of the Council.
- The Local Organising Secretary shall have the power to organise and constitute various committees for the proper conduct of the conference.
- It shall be the task of the Local Organising Secretary to ensure that the Conference is founded on the basis of self sufficiency and the APSI will not make good any losses sustained.
- All surplus funds of the regional accounts shall vest in the APSI. The council shall however give due weightage to the wishes of the local organizing committees and the Local Organising Secretary to the utilisation of such surplus.
- Accounts shall be finalised within 6 months of the completion of meeting and forwarded to the Hon. Treasurer who shall place them before the next General Body Meeting.